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وب سایت:
بازدید دیروز : 799
بازدید هفته : 1217
بازدید ماه : 22482
بازدید کل : 2150044
تعداد مطالب : 673
تعداد نظرات : 121
تعداد آنلاین : 1
radio amateur books
N5DUX Ham Radio PDFs
All works are copyright of their respective owners.
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z |
10 Dollar Phone Patch.pdf - 169.51 KB
10 Element 900 MHz Quagi.pdf - 25.30 KB
10 GHz RF Preamp.pdf - 727.40 KB
1296 MHz Transverter.pdf - 1.30 MB
144 MHz Stop-Band TVI Filters.pdf - 155.93 KB
146 and 445 MHz J-Pole Antenna.pdf - 210.79 KB
2.4 GHz Pringles Can Antenna.pdf - 24.98 KB
2.4 GHz Transverter.pdf - 460.39 KB
220 MHz All-Mode Transverter.pdf - 543.02 KB
2m Tracking Transmitter.pdf - 266.78 KB
2m Transverter.pdf - 759.59 KB
3456 MHz Linear Transverter.pdf - 1.98 MB
432 Collinear From Coax.pdf - 401.84 KB
4800 Baud Modem Daughter Board.pdf - 11.27 MB
50 Dollar Sweeper.pdf - 511.48 KB
6m From Your Easy Chair.pdf - 120.38 KB
6m J-Pole.pdf - 58.97 KB
6m Moxon Antenna.pdf - 1.22 MB
7 dB For 7 Bucks.pdf - 828.67 KB
75-Ohm Cable - Additional Options.pdf - 103.96 KB
900 MHz Band - Whats in Store for Amateurs.pdf - 412.06 KB
900 MHz Parrot Repeater.pdf - 538.20 KB
902 MHz - UHFs Final Frontier.pdf - 191.97 KB
902 MHz Loop Yagi Antenna.pdf - 223.04 KB
902 to 144 MHz Receive Converter.pdf - 428.89 KB
903 MHz Linear Amplifiers.pdf - 808.48 KB
A Beginners Course in Assembly Language.pdf - 3.81 MB
A Look Inside D-Star Modulation.pdf - 445.77 KB
APCO-25.pdf - 1.34 MB
APRX Software Manual.pdf - 428.07 KB
ARRL Basic Antennas.pdf - 38.43 MB
ARRL VHF Digital Handbook.pdf - 13.98 MB
ATV Handbook.pdf - 306.73 KB
ATV Transmitter from a Microwave Oven.pdf - 985.58 KB
Active Attenuator For Transmitter Hunting.pdf - 156.76 KB
Active Audio Filters.pdf - 899.34 KB
Active Filters.pdf - 972.64 KB
Add Remote Cotntrol to Your ICOM Transceiver.pdf - 544.55 KB
Air Hop-Light Beam Communicator.pdf - 1.35 MB
Aircraft Enhancement.pdf - 525.15 KB
Alternative Options for Resolving HSMM Interference Issues.pdf - 903.12 KB
Amateur Radio Networks and the Internet.pdf - 445.46 KB
Amateur Radio and 802.11.pdf - 31.71 KB
An Introduction To The Bilateral Transverter.pdf - 417.52 KB
An Introduction to Surface Mount Devices.pdf - 1.33 MB
Analog Delay Lines.pdf - 842.70 KB
Anatomy Of A Repeater.pdf - 1.50 MB
Annie Get Your Gunnplexer.pdf - 223.28 KB
Antenna Here Is A Dipole.pdf - 1.60 MB
Antenna Toolkit - 2nd Edition.pdf - 4.73 MB
Arduino Robotics.pdf - 20.96 MB
Arduino-based Variable Voltage Transformer.pdf - 769.74 KB
Army Surplus CW.pdf - 208.38 KB
Arrow Antenna.pdf - 1.19 MB
Astronauts on Your Repeater.pdf - 620.05 KB
Audio PreAmp ICs.pdf - 759.79 KB
Audio-Frequency Generator.pdf - 672.51 KB
Audio-Noise-Based Voting Circuit.pdf - 211.79 KB
Automobile Ignition Substitute.pdf - 130.64 KB
Automotive RFI Elimination.pdf - 1.25 MB
Avoiding RF Oscillation.pdf - 599.82 KB
BIOS Data Area Information.pdf - 495.17 KB
Balun Designs for Wireless - Mixers, Amplifiers and Antennas.pdf - 550.14 KB
Binaural Basics.pdf - 572.66 KB
Brain Waves and Biofeedback Training.pdf - 422.88 KB
Broadband Wireless Internet Access and Amateur Radio.pdf - 1.12 MB
Bug Detector.pdf - 690.33 KB
Build A Brain Wave Feedback Monitor.pdf - 497.88 KB
Build A Semiconductor Laser System.pdf - 1.12 MB
Build An Alphanumeric Pager Decoder.pdf - 4.21 MB
Build An IC Light Modulator.pdf - 116.15 KB
Build An Infra-red Snooperscope.pdf - 619.59 KB
Build The FoxTTL Foxhunt Transmitter.pdf - 265.90 KB
Build The Montreal Fox Controller.pdf - 307.21 KB
Build This Solid-State PA for 440 MHz.pdf - 155.52 KB
Build a 2m Intermod Notch Trap.pdf - 443.85 KB
Build the Featherweight 6m Yagi.pdf - 582.79 KB
Building Simple Isolation Interface Devices.pdf - 538.52 KB
Building a Beacon for 2401 MHz.pdf - 587.07 KB
Building a Decent RF Network.pdf - 1.22 MB
Burlington Railroad Telegrapher, Joseph Ballengee.pdf - 4.60 MB
CATV Leakage-A Two Way Street.pdf - 178.23 KB
CMOS Clock Circuits.pdf - 453.02 KB
CW Transmitter for 902 MHz.pdf - 720.07 KB
Calibration and Repair for Bird Wattmeter Elements.pdf - 93.75 KB
Can HSMM Find a Real Home in Ham Radio.pdf - 946.49 KB
Capacitor Basics.pdf - 52.06 KB
Care And Feeding Of Gunnplexers.pdf - 431.86 KB
Carrier Current Receiver.pdf - 842.39 KB
Caveman Radio.pdf - 842.26 KB
Cellular Surplus.pdf - 400.08 KB
Ceramic Bandpass Filters-Boon or Bane.pdf - 67.66 KB
Chat on the Air with LinPSK.pdf - 707.36 KB
Cheap Antennas for LEO Satellites.pdf - 371.35 KB
Cheap Yagis for 2450 MHz.pdf - 588.38 KB
Cheap and Easy High-Speed Data Connection.pdf - 1.09 MB
Choosing the Right Diode for your AGC Detector.pdf - 159.50 KB
Circuit Design on Your Linux Box Using gEDA.pdf - 1.07 MB
Circularly Polarized 60 GHz Microstrip Antenna.pdf - 197.17 KB
Classic Rain-Gutter Loop Antenna.pdf - 352.17 KB
Classic Video Amps Revisited.pdf - 416.78 KB
Clean Up Your Signals With Band-Pass Filters.pdf - 102.54 KB
Color TV-That Isnt.pdf - 284.14 KB
Columbia Shuttle Recovery and 802.11b.pdf - 96.79 KB
Combustable Gas Alarm.pdf - 783.23 KB
Common Collector Amplifiers.pdf - 683.96 KB
Communications System Using Gunplexer Transceivers.pdf - 5.49 MB
Compact Two-Element 2m Beam.pdf - 418.68 KB
Components for 10-GHz and Up Transceivers.pdf - 709.67 KB
Considerate Operators Frequency Guide.pdf - 42.72 KB
Converting Radar Detectors to 10-GHz Rigs.pdf - 413.59 KB
Copper Loops For 222 and 440MHz.pdf - 1,006.40 KB
Crystal Microwave.pdf - 478.54 KB
Crystal Oscillators.pdf - 432.33 KB
Cutting Current to Size.pdf - 251.37 KB
D-Arsonval Dossier.pdf - 900.15 KB
D-STAR Antennas.pdf - 413.82 KB
D-STAR Digital Data-CryptoUP.pdf - 523.15 KB
D-STAR Digital Voice versus Analog FM Sensitivity.pdf - 127.72 KB
D-STAR For VHF-UHF.pdf - 269.61 KB
D-STAR New Modes for VHF-UHF.pdf - 1.54 MB
D-STAR Technical Chararistics.pdf - 225.04 KB
D-STAR.pdf - 1.77 MB
DDRR - Directional Discontinuity Ring Radiator.pdf - 558.03 KB
DF Breakthough-Turkey Tracker.pdf - 1.29 MB
DSE Radio Direction Finder.pdf - 316.61 KB
DTMF Encoding and Decoding.pdf - 1,007.44 KB
DTMF-Converter And HF-Link Controller.pdf - 103.44 KB
Data Encryption is Legal.pdf - 892.17 KB
Defining Your Function Keys.pdf - 625.74 KB
Design of a Dual Patch Triangular Microstrip Antenna.pdf - 111.79 KB
Detect Killer Tornadoes.pdf - 264.46 KB
Dielectric Materials at Microwave Frequencies.pdf - 106.62 KB
Different Grounds For Different Shacks.pdf - 412.67 KB
Digital Altimeter.pdf - 944.70 KB
Digital Amateur Television.pdf - 968.34 KB
Digital Hamming-A Need for Standards.pdf - 591.81 KB
Digital Modulation from ASK to OQPSK.pdf - 372.71 KB
Digital Signal Processing.pdf - 2.15 MB
Digital Video Coming to the 440-MHz Band.pdf - 332.54 KB
Digital Voice and Data Modes The Way Forward.pdf - 194.57 KB
Diversity Antenna.pdf - 1.45 MB
Doppler Radio Direction Finder.pdf - 907.82 KB
Doppler-Ultrasound Heart Monitor.pdf - 690.56 KB
Dot-Bar-Graph Display Drivers.pdf - 748.91 KB
Double-Ducky Direction Finder.pdf - 247.43 KB
Down-Under Depth Sounder.pdf - 788.58 KB
Dual Band J-Pole.pdf - 19.79 KB
Dual Band Twin Lead Antenna.pdf - 643.51 KB
EARC End Fed HF Antenna.pdf - 614.48 KB
EZ-Lindenblad Antenna for 2m.pdf - 2.03 MB
Easy Dual-Band VHF-UHF Antenna.pdf - 1.03 MB
Elecraft - KX1 Owners Manual Rev E.pdf - 2.63 MB
Elecraft - KXAT1 Manual Rev A.pdf - 384.23 KB
Elecraft KX2 Manual Rev A5.pdf - 3.07 MB
Electric Fence Interference-A Case History.pdf - 270.09 KB
Electronics and Brain Control.pdf - 338.71 KB
Electronics for Dummies.pdf - 19.94 MB
Electronics vs Ceeepy Crawlers.pdf - 212.48 KB
Electroocardiograph.pdf - 1.40 MB
Elevator A Simple 220-MHz FM Transverter.pdf - 543.99 KB
Emergency Coordinators Manual.pdf - 1.56 MB
Entertainment And Interference-The Two Faces Of CATV.pdf - 406.52 KB
Error Correcting In Data Transmission.pdf - 1.56 MB
Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur.pdf - 2.07 MB
Explore 220 With This State-Of-The-Art Transverter.pdf - 638.28 KB
Explore USB with this USB to CI-V Interface.pdf - 422.74 KB
Extracting Stable Clock Signals From AM Broadcast Carriers for Amateur Spread-Spectrum Applications.pdf - 814.27 KB
FCC - Measurements of Environmental Electromagnetic Fields at Amateur Radio Stations.pdf - 145.09 KB
Fabrication of Printed-Circuit Boards.pdf - 451.82 KB
Fifty Years Of ARRL.pdf - 15.66 MB
Find Fault with Your Coax.pdf - 325.23 KB
Finding Cable Faults.pdf - 739.74 KB
Five-Element 2m Yagi.pdf - 441.71 KB
Five-Element Quad Antenna for 2m.pdf - 298.46 KB
Flash Tubes.pdf - 185.50 KB
Flate Plane Antennas.pdf - 570.78 KB
Forrest Mims - 555 Timer IC Circuits.pdf - 2.82 MB
Forrest Mims - Basic Semiconductor Circuits.pdf - 4.28 MB
Forrest Mims - Communications Projects.pdf - 10.22 MB
Forrest Mims - Getting Started in Electronics.pdf - 12.58 MB
Forrest Mims - Magnet And Sensor Projects.pdf - 4.21 MB
Forrest Mims - Op Amp IC Circuits.pdf - 4.24 MB
Forrest Mims - Optoelectronics Circuits.pdf - 4.10 MB
Forrest Mims - Schematic Symbols, Device Packages, Design And Testing.pdf - 4.35 MB
Forrest Mims - Sensor Projects.pdf - 4.35 MB
Forrest Mims - Solar Cell Projects.pdf - 4.44 MB
Four Way DFer.pdf - 375.34 KB
Foxbox.pdf - 1.71 MB
Frequency Calibration Using WWV.pdf - 170.65 KB
From Ether to Ethernet.pdf - 579.75 KB
G0KYA - EFHW Antennas.pdf - 7.07 MB
G0KYA EFHW Antenna.pdf - 7.07 MB
G7FEK Nested Marconi Antenna.pdf - 664.31 KB
GRAPES 56 Kb Modem.pdf - 290.94 KB
Get On 222 MHz with a Ten-Tec 1210 Transverter.pdf - 1.69 MB
Get on 440-MHz ATV.pdf - 2.13 MB
Getting on on the Internet-Your First HSMM Radio Station.pdf - 307.34 KB
Global Positioning System.pdf - 3.12 MB
Great Aluminum Cover-Up.pdf - 201.91 KB
Grobs Basic Electronics 2010.pdf - 56.37 MB
Grounded-Grid Kilowatt Amplifier for 432 MHz.pdf - 382.55 KB
Gunn and IMPATT Microwave Devices.pdf - 299.79 KB
Gunnplexer Cookbook.pdf - 12.11 MB
HF Propagation - The Basics.pdf - 953.27 KB
HF Serial-Tone Waveform Design.pdf - 960.82 KB
HSMM Radio Equipment.pdf - 1.16 MB
HSMM and Field Day.pdf - 559.57 KB
HSMM and Information Security.pdf - 341.22 KB
HSMM.pdf - 1.90 MB
Half-Watt 903-MHz Amplifier.pdf - 952.93 KB
Ham Radio Paging-Putting POCSAG On Packet.pdf - 900.78 KB
Ham Radio and VoIP.pdf - 1.20 MB
Ham Radio for Dummies.pdf - 8.71 MB
Helium-Neon Laser.pdf - 594.76 KB
High Power Magnetron Transmitter.pdf - 2.60 MB
High Speed Multimedia Radio.pdf - 605.72 KB
High Speed Multimedia at 3.5 GHz.pdf - 167.66 KB
High-Performance 2m Transverter.pdf - 1.37 MB
High-Performance Easy-to-Build 432-MHz Transverter.pdf - 844.48 KB
High-Power Cavity Amplifier For The New 900-MHz Band.pdf - 226.31 KB
Hinternet - Protecting HSMM Radio Networks.pdf - 307.92 KB
Hinternet and VPN Projects.pdf - 571.64 KB
Hinternet and openHSMM.pdf - 133.28 KB
Hinternet on 5 GHz.pdf - 348.14 KB
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur-1978.pdf - 7.14 MB
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur-1992.pdf - 9.24 MB
Home Brew Spectrum Analyzer.pdf - 388.77 KB
Home Brew X-Band Wavemeter.pdf - 455.08 KB
Home Brew the Blockbuster.pdf - 638.34 KB
Home Brewing a 10 GHz SSB-CW Transverter.pdf - 2.31 MB
Horisontal Loop Antenna for Shortwave Listening and Amateur Radio Use.pdf - 1.27 MB
Horizontally Polarized Omni-Directional Antenna.pdf - 189.93 KB
How ET Really Called Home.pdf - 339.78 KB
How To Design Analog Filter Circuits.pdf - 406.30 KB
How To Get Into HSMM.pdf - 603.29 KB
How To Make Custom Meters From Salvaged Parts.pdf - 475.43 KB
How to Design Analog Circuits-Biasing Transistors.pdf - 1.01 MB
IEEE 802.11 Experiments In Virginias Shenandoah Valley.pdf - 6.29 MB
IEEE 802.11b-Friend or Foe.pdf - 1.35 MB
IRLP - The Internet Radio Linking Project.pdf - 934.58 KB
Icom IC-725 Manual.pdf - 3.12 MB
Improving the K1FO 8874 432-MHz Amplifier.pdf - 423.75 KB
Inexpensive 10 GHz Dish System.pdf - 137.06 KB
Inexpensive Basic Stamp Controller.pdf - 143.89 KB
Inexpensive Hardline.pdf - 407.44 KB
Inexpensive High Speed Packet is Here.pdf - 65.17 KB
Inexpensive Low Noise Preamplifier for 432 MHz.pdf - 160.09 KB
Inexpensive Multi-Megabaud Microwave Data Link.pdf - 2.34 MB
Inexpensive TDR.pdf - 150.43 KB
Infared Logic Probe.pdf - 667.16 KB
Integration of Amateur Radio and 802.11.pdf - 596.21 KB
Interactions Among Ionosphere Propagation, HF Modems, and Data Protocols.pdf - 39.17 KB
Interfacing Your Computer To The Poor Mans Spectrum Analyzer.pdf - 1.89 MB
Intermodulation Reviewed.pdf - 156.86 KB
Introducing Sherlock - A Hi-Tech Fox Hunting Tool.pdf - 397.66 KB
Introducing Spread Spectrum.pdf - 657.51 KB
Introduction to the PICAXE System.pdf - 272.94 KB
Is All Data Acceptable Data.pdf - 207.50 KB
Is the ARRL Turning 2.4 GHz into the Next CB Band.pdf - 214.88 KB
Isolated-Pad Circuit-Board Construction.pdf - 111.61 KB
Joy of Contesting.pdf - 872.47 KB
K4TWJ - Hamfest Buddy QRPp.pdf - 1.10 MB
K6BEZ - $50 Antenna Analyzer.pdf - 3.37 MB
KD1JV Mountain Topper Radio (MTR) Manual.pdf - 585.16 KB
KI6J EFHW Manual.pdf - 959.54 KB
King of the Pulse Generators.pdf - 191.84 KB
LC Filters.pdf - 771.94 KB
Laser Communication Systems.pdf - 439.20 KB
Laser Transceiver for the ARRL 10-GHz-and-Up Contest.pdf - 872.45 KB
Lasers and Amateur Radio.pdf - 469.87 KB
Light Beam Communicator.pdf - 1.46 MB
Lightning Protection-Taming Thors Thunder-On A Budget.pdf - 1.43 MB
Locating Power Line Noise Using TV Waveforms.pdf - 431.60 KB
LogiTalker Owners Manual.pdf - 230.84 KB
Long Life For Your Transmitting Tubes.pdf - 230.51 KB
Low Cost Lowpass Filter Design Using Image Parameters.pdf - 75.78 KB
Low Frequency Converter.pdf - 848.63 KB
Low Noise Amplifiers for 2304 3456 5760 and 10368 MHz.pdf - 98.80 KB
Lowes Loop for 432MHz.pdf - 2.48 MB
M12864 Transistor Tester Instructions.pdf - 3.49 MB
MRX-40 Mini Receiver.pdf - 145.91 KB
Make - Electronics.pdf - 16.78 MB
Making Printed Circuit Boards.pdf - 201.33 KB
Making Two-Sided Circuit Boards by the Photoetching Process.pdf - 295.74 KB
Measuring 2.4 GHz Helix Antennas.pdf - 958.07 KB
Measuring 9600 baud BER Performance.pdf - 1.68 MB
Mechanical Design Tips for EMI Shielding.pdf - 258.88 KB
Meet The New Guy.pdf - 420.70 KB
Microprocessor-Controlled Repeater Voting System.pdf - 959.03 KB
Microwave ATV-A New Approach.pdf - 607.93 KB
Microwave Basics.pdf - 1.48 MB
Microwave Building Blocks-The Doubly-Balanced Mixer.pdf - 328.60 KB
Microwave Building Blocks-The Solfan Special.pdf - 654.38 KB
Microwave Know How.pdf - 16.29 MB
Microwave Propagation in the Upper Troposphere.pdf - 1.08 MB
Microwave Propagation.pdf - 215.29 KB
Microwave Spectum Analyzer On A Budget.pdf - 3.45 MB
Microwave and RF Cable Assemblies-The Neglected System Component.pdf - 120.54 KB
Microwavelengths-The Transverter.pdf - 173.26 KB
Microwavelengths.pdf - 510.77 KB
Minature UHF Fox Transmitter.pdf - 634.96 KB
Miniature HF to VHF AM-FM Receiver Using the NE605.pdf - 194.27 KB
Mistakes of a young Railroad Telegraph Operator.pdf - 115.16 KB
Modern Antenna Handbook.pdf - 1.09 MB
Modular High-Performance 23 cm ATV Transceiver.pdf - 328.41 KB
More Cheap Yagis.pdf - 519.72 KB
More Microwave Test Equipment For 10 GHz.pdf - 267.01 KB
N0GSG - DSP Radio Direction Finder.pdf - 2.12 MB
N0GSG - Portable Radio Direction Finder.pdf - 410.22 KB
NOSintro.pdf - 22.08 MB
New High-Speed Multi-Media Radio Mesh Networking.pdf - 409.95 KB
New Jerseys South Counties Emergency Radio Network.pdf - 307.13 KB
Night-Vision Scopes.pdf - 1.04 MB
No-Tune 2m Bandpass Filter.pdf - 122.23 KB
No-Tune Transverter for 3456 MHz.pdf - 450.52 KB
No-Tune Transverter for the 2304-MHz Band.pdf - 468.81 KB
Nonlinear Analysis-Simulation and Measurement of RF Amplifiers.pdf - 1.06 MB
Nontraditional Field Day-You Bet.pdf - 220.21 KB
NorCal - BLT Tuner.pdf - 1,002.84 KB
NorCal - Doublet Antenna.pdf - 207.00 KB
NorCal - StLouis Tuner.pdf - 1.40 MB
NorCal 40A - PPTs - 4.00 KB
NorCal 40A Transceiver - Manual.pdf - 16.57 MB
On Amateur Radio Use of IEEE 802.11b.pdf - 313.32 KB
One-Chip AFSK Generator.pdf - 98.92 KB
Op Amp Applications Guide.pdf - 2.01 MB
Optocoupler Devices.pdf - 1.05 MB
PIC Based HF-VHF Power Meter.pdf - 2.10 MB
PIC Programming for Beginners.pdf - 11.44 MB
PIC SWR Meter.pdf - 349.09 KB
PIC of an IDer.pdf - 104.49 KB
PIC-Gen Frequency Generator-Counter.pdf - 2.57 MB
PIC16F84-Based CW Decoder.pdf - 458.96 KB
PTT Control From Receiver Audio.pdf - 548.10 KB
Pager Handbook for the Radio Amateur.pdf - 843.30 KB
Perl-Tk Package for NEC Based Antenna Design.pdf - 609.16 KB
Phase Lock Loop Stability Analysis.pdf - 1.04 MB
Phase Locked Loops.pdf - 766.37 KB
Photosensitive Devices.pdf - 1.02 MB
Pocket dBm RF Power Meter.pdf - 386.71 KB
Pocket-Size VHF SWR Meter.pdf - 205.13 KB
Poor Mans Spectrum Analyzer.pdf - 1.44 MB
PortaPeater.pdf - 1.24 MB
Portable Quad For 2m.pdf - 1.14 MB
Pour an Antenna for X-Band.pdf - 306.56 KB
Practical Antenna Design VHF.pdf - 2.23 MB
Practical Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum UHF Link.pdf - 662.82 KB
Practical Spread Spectrum-Achieving Synchronization with the Slip-Pulse Generator.pdf - 763.30 KB
Practical Spread Spectrum-An Experimental Transmitted-Reference Data Modem.pdf - 332.97 KB
Practical Spread-Spectrum-Clock Recovery With the Synchronous Oscillator.pdf - 517.08 KB
Primer on Digital Signal Interfaces.pdf - 301.34 KB
Printed Circuit Boards--An Easier Way.pdf - 400.46 KB
Project 25 for Amateur Radio.pdf - 647.36 KB
Put Your All-Mode 2m Rig on 220.pdf - 282.22 KB
QRP Classics - The Best QRP Projects from QST and the ARRL Handbook.pdf - 43.01 MB
QRP History - The Five-Watt QRP Movement 1968-1981.pdf - 34.71 MB
QRP Transmitting Converter.pdf - 244.90 KB
Quadbeam 2 Element.pdf - 376.19 KB
Quantifying SETI.pdf - 354.39 KB
RC Filters.pdf - 622.22 KB
RE-EZ Shortwave Receiver.pdf - 814.04 KB
RFI-Intermodulation.pdf - 110.79 KB
Radar Detector to Microwave Receiver Conversion.pdf - 486.98 KB
Radar Speed-Gun Controller.pdf - 750.59 KB
Radiation Monitor.pdf - 1.03 MB
Radio Astronomy And The Search For Extraterrestial Intelligence.pdf - 3.09 MB
Radio Line-of-Sight Paths from the USGS Digital-Elevation Database.pdf - 502.87 KB
Raspberry Pi - TNCPi Manual.pdf - 643.36 KB
Raspberry Pi Projects Book v.1.pdf - 35.69 MB
Remote-Controlled HF Operation over the Internet.pdf - 115.31 KB
Review of ABCD Parameters .pdf - 66.57 KB
Rock Solid RF.pdf - 306.16 KB
Rockless VFO Low Power Transceiver.pdf - 1.17 MB
Rugged Compact Attenuator.pdf - 201.22 KB
Running Linux (4th Ed).pdf - 3.63 MB
SHARKS and Tsunamis.pdf - 182.73 KB
SMT You Can Work With.pdf - 1.08 MB
SPI And The Printer Port.pdf - 1.62 MB
Scanner Converter.pdf - 2.07 MB
See-In-The-Dark Viewer.pdf - 598.69 KB
Serial Port - Breakfast Of Champions.pdf - 121.65 KB
Sherlock in the XP Age.pdf - 3.77 MB
Shoot the Moon.pdf - 740.67 KB
Simple Approach to Complex Circuits.pdf - 492.47 KB
Simple Simplex Repeater.pdf - 949.85 KB
Single Stage 1500W Amplifer For 160-80-40 Meters.pdf - 530.56 KB
Single-Board No-Tune 902-MHz Transverter.pdf - 298.58 KB
Single-Chip Frequency Converter.pdf - 640.87 KB
Small Loop Antennas.pdf - 25.50 KB
Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur-1986.pdf - 161.72 MB
Solid-State Devices For 1 GHz.pdf - 526.35 KB
Solid-State Linear Amplifiers for 33 cm.pdf - 1.50 MB
Sound Card Packet.pdf - 594.57 KB
Spectrum Analyzer for the Radio Amateur.pdf - 440.63 KB
Spectrum Analyzer.pdf - 3.22 MB
Spectrum Monitor.pdf - 973.18 KB
Spread Spectrum And Digital Communications Techniques.pdf - 1.23 MB
Spread Spectrum Applications in Amateur Radio.pdf - 388.76 KB
Spread Spectrum Communications.pdf - 2.35 MB
Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopping Direct Sequence and You.pdf - 212.76 KB
Spread Spectrum and the Radio Amateur.pdf - 265.18 KB
Step Attenuator You Can Build.pdf - 185.37 KB
Super Directional Microphone.pdf - 713.32 KB
Super J-Pole.pdf - 18.80 KB
Surface Mount Technology-You Can Work With It.pdf - 958.67 KB
Surface-Mount Technology Primer.pdf - 1.98 MB
Surviving the Unthinkable.pdf - 568.88 KB
Synthesized Pulse Generator.pdf - 679.82 KB
TV Derived Frequency Standard.pdf - 898.30 KB
Talking Repeater Controller.pdf - 2.05 MB
Technology and the Future of Amateur Radio.pdf - 65.66 KB
Telephone Line Tester.pdf - 330.12 KB
Ten-Tec 6m Transverter on 12m or 17m.pdf - 1.22 MB
Terminating 75 Ohm-7-8 Inch Hardline with SO-239.pdf - 211.19 KB
Testing Motrons Transmitter Fingerprinter.pdf - 840.54 KB
The Art and Skill of Radio-Telegraphy.pdf - 1.79 MB
The Basic X-24.pdf - 640.95 KB
The Digital Circle of Life.pdf - 1.31 MB
The Incredible Digiohm.pdf - 239.80 KB
The Laser Experimenters Handbook.pdf - 11.82 MB
The Magical Audio Filter.pdf - 268.32 KB
The Magnetron - A Low Noise Long Life Amplifier.pdf - 427.32 KB
The New Industrial Revolution - Packet Radio And Networking.pdf - 1.56 MB
The Radio Amateurs Microwave Communications Handbook.pdf - 16.65 MB
The Real Inventor Of Wireless.pdf - 373.46 KB
The Sociology of Regulations.pdf - 255.50 KB
The Spread Spectrum Source Book.pdf - 13.68 MB
Three And Half Band Yagi.pdf - 502.95 KB
Tiny Python Panadapter.pdf - 2.34 MB
Tone Decoder.pdf - 1.26 MB
Tracing And Eliminating Power Line Interference.pdf - 345.45 KB
Tracking Down Bugs Using A Spectrum Analyzer.pdf - 1.23 MB
Tramplifier for 432 MHz.pdf - 530.37 KB
Transatlantic on 2200 Meters.pdf - 428.53 KB
Transmatch For 432 MHz--Why Not.pdf - 153.25 KB
Transmission Line Transformer Basics.pdf - 55.52 KB
Tri-Yagi For 50 MHz.pdf - 845.80 KB
Troubleshooting Electrical Noise.pdf - 73.58 KB
Try Copper For 2m - The Cu Loop.pdf - 1.65 MB
Turbocharge Your Packet Station.pdf - 708.10 KB
UHF Modems For Amateur Radio Stations.pdf - 491.13 KB
USMC Antenna Handbook.pdf - 4.65 MB
Ultra Wide Band.pdf - 501.84 KB
Understanding Ungrounded Oscilloscope Measurements.pdf - 309.11 KB
Universal Radio Programmer.pdf - 224.74 KB
Updated Universal QRP Transmitter.pdf - 1.17 MB
Use It Or Lose It.pdf - 118.55 KB
Use of Pringles Containers To Enhance Network Security.pdf - 874.62 KB
Using Iambic Paddles.pdf - 74.87 KB
Using Radar Data to Predict Rain-Scatter Paths.pdf - 821.47 KB
VHF Handbook IARU v542.pdf - 1.19 MB
VHF-UHF Primer - An Introduction To Propagation.pdf - 1.72 MB
VHF-UHF-Microwave Transverter IF Switch.pdf - 873.54 KB
VOIP and Amateur Radio.pdf - 356.51 KB
Versatile 555.pdf - 1.04 MB
Vocoding-Creating Digital Voice.pdf - 449.18 KB
Voice Track-Talking Controller.pdf - 361.64 KB
Voltage Converters.pdf - 854.96 KB
Voltage Cursor Adapter.pdf - 480.68 KB
Voltage Doubler.pdf - 506.42 KB
W0MHZ - The Loop Skywire.pdf - 784.00 KB
W1FB - Design Notebook.pdf - 58.39 MB
W1FB - QRP Notebook.pdf - 5.32 MB
W4RNL - Top Five Backyard Multi-Band Wire HF Antennas.pdf - 202.98 KB
WB2REM - Remote Link.pdf - 528.38 KB
WSPRing Around the World.pdf - 774.42 KB
Want a Good Microwave Antenna-Drink More Coffee.pdf - 274.02 KB
Web Pages on Packet Radio.pdf - 502.11 KB
Western Union and the Railroad Telegraphers.pdf - 3.14 MB
What is HSMM.pdf - 181.27 KB
What is Happening to the HSMM Working Group.pdf - 116.83 KB
Why I Like Linux and Other Tales.pdf - 597.96 KB
Wi-Fi for Hams.pdf - 2.65 MB
Wide-Range RF-Survey Meter.pdf - 757.36 KB
Wideband Microwave Amplifier Design.pdf - 1.03 MB
Wire Antennas for the Beginner.pdf - 1.70 MB
Wireless Digital Communications-Design and Theory.pdf - 11.20 MB
Wireless Digital Modulation.pdf - 105.61 KB
Wireless Local Area Network Design.pdf - 506.08 KB
Working With Flip-Flops.pdf - 667.65 KB
Working With LED Display Drivers.pdf - 1.17 MB
Working With Monostable Multivibrators.pdf - 737.20 KB
Working With Op-Amps.pdf - 450.60 KB
Worlds Fair Super Squelch.pdf - 109.45 KB
Wouxun KGUVD1 Service Manual.pdf - 3.86 MB
Yes All My Coax Cables Are 75 Ohms.pdf - 83.83 KB
Zen and the Art of Radiotelegraphy.pdf - 823.74 KB

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بلا بدور باشه مهندس !
انشالله همیشه سرحال سالم تندرست باشید !
پاسخ:با درود و سپاس از لطف شما دوست گرامی بدرود - 1403/1/29

پاسخ:باتشکر از لطفتان امیدوارم بقیه دوستان هم همت کنند و دست به اچار و هویه شده خودشان بسازند و لذت ساختن را ببرند چون در داشتن لذت نیست هنر ساختن است - 1402/6/13

استاد ممنون خیلی خوب و عالی

پاسخ:باسلام و تشکر از لطف و مرحمت شما دوست عزیز و گرامی - 1400/8/28

پاسخ:با سلام تذکر بجا و بموقعی بود بسیار متشکرم - 1400/8/28

پاسخ:باسلام و تشکر کل خازن ها و سلفها برای فرکانس 1800کیلو که ابتدای باند رادیو اماتوری است کم است و بسختی تنظیم می شود اما برای 3500 بله زیاد است - 1399/8/24

پاسخ: سلام بنده هم ضمن تائید نظر شما درخواست می کنم مطلب کامل تر و بهتر و درست تر را بفرمائید بنده بنام خودتان درج و منتشر نمایم
پاسخ:https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEJj30AwLGIyi_UQ3g مدارات لامپی - 1396/12/17

پاسخ: سلام بهیچ عنوان و تقریبا هیچ جائی من چنین ادعائی نکرده ام اما این همه شهید و زخمی و جانباز و اسیر و زحمت و فعالیت برای حفظ انقلاب و سرزمین عزیزمان ایران خیلی حرام لقه گی و بی اصل و نصبی می خواهد که چشم خودرا ببندیم و از این اب و خاک حمایت و به این مردم عشق نورزیم حالا شما اسم انرا هرچه دوست دارید بگذارید نظرتان محترم است - 1396/12/17

بنده یکی از علاقمندان لامپ هستم . و 10 سال اخیر را بر روی مدارات لامپی کار کردم .با سرچ اینجا را پیدا کردم .می خواستم ببینم در زمینه مخابرات فعالیت لامپی در ایران هست ؟
این مطلب راجب لامپ واقعا توجه مخاطب علاقمند را جلب می کند ؟
من فکر می کنم نویسنده اصلا راجب لامپ حس خوبی ندارد .عذر خواهی می کنم
پاسخ:سلام دوست عزیز از صراحت و فصاحت بیان شما خوشحالم مطلبتان راجع به نویسنده مطلب لامپ کمی کم لطفی و شاید سخت گیری در بر دارد نویسنده مطلب استاد عاملی بزرگ رادیو اماتوری ایران هستند و مطلب را بی اندازه ساده و اسان گفتند چون اکثر جوانها از لامپ و ولتاژ کار ان وحشت داشته و تقریبا هیچ نمی دانند اما ظاهرا شما در مورد لامپ مطلع و ازموده هستید لذا برخود نگیرید شما هم اگر در مورد لامپ و یا مطالب استاد عاملی نقد و نظری دارید بسیار خوشحال می شوم مکتوب بفرمایید تا در همان بخش یا در بخش جدید بنام خودتان منتشر شود
پاسخ:https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEJj30AwLGIyi_UQ3g - 1396/12/16

پاسخ:با سلام و پوزش از تاخیر طبق تجربه دوستان این مدار به دلیل نامرغوب بودن قطعات نو موجود در بازار معمولا در ابتدا کار نمی کند لذا بتوصیه استاد عاملی بهنر است از قطعات اوراقی رادیو و ضبط ها استفاده شود قطعات معمولا در گیر این رادیو ابتدا ای سی سویچ یا کلید زنی است که یک مدل خاصش برای مدار مناسب است و مدلهای دیگر فرکانس کار و ولتاژشان مناسب نیست درمورد ای سی مدولاتور و دمدولاتور 3028 این ای سی هم بشدت مورد شک و شبهه است در موردی باتعویض 5 عدد ای سی دو عدد که بهتر بود در مدار بکار گرفته شد لذا بهترین روش استفاده از مرحله مرحله و گام بگام کار کردن رادیو است ضمن انکه اگر فرستنده کار بیفتد گیرنده هم کار خواهد کرد و بالعکس لذا شما می توانید مدار را از میکروفون در حالت فرستنده یا بلندگو در حالت گیرنده شروع نمایید و اگر مسیر سیگنال جدا باشد در نقشه شما می توانید از تقویت صدا شروع کرده و به دمدولاتور رفته و سپس به فیلتر و بعد میکسر وی اف او و در اخر به فیلتر تنظیم باند بروید و حد اکثر سیگنال و حساسیت را بدست اورید پس فیلتر های رادیویی یا بقول شما توکو ها قسمت اخر تنظیم و تعقیب مدارتان است اگر شد برای اطلاع شما و سایر دوستان مدار را در حالت گیرنده و فرستنده جدا اراعه خواهم داد یا با رنگ مسیر سیگنال را جدا می کنم که راحت تر باشد اگر شما عضو تلگرام هستید در یکی از گروه های رادیو اماتوری بیایید و مستقیما با دوستان سازنده و استفاده کننده رادیو تماس گرفته راهنمایی شوید اگر نه ادرس ایمیلتان را بدهید تا راهنمای مونتاژ را برایتان بفرستم
راحل مونتاژ و تست مدار است - 1396/11/5
- تير 1403
- مهر 1402
- ارديبهشت 1401
- دی 1400
- آبان 1400
- ارديبهشت 1399
- اسفند 1397
- آذر 1397
- آبان 1397
- خرداد 1397
- ارديبهشت 1397
- فروردين 1397
- اسفند 1396
- بهمن 1396
- دی 1396
- آذر 1396
- آبان 1396
- شهريور 1396
- مرداد 1396
- تير 1396
- خرداد 1396
- ارديبهشت 1396
- فروردين 1396
- اسفند 1395
- بهمن 1395
- دی 1395
- آذر 1395
- آبان 1395
- مهر 1395
- شهريور 1395
- مرداد 1395
- تير 1395
- خرداد 1395
- ارديبهشت 1395
- فروردين 1395
- اسفند 1394
- بهمن 1394
- دی 1394
- آذر 1394
- آبان 1394
- مهر 1394
- شهريور 1394
- مرداد 1394
- تير 1394
- خرداد 1394
- ارديبهشت 1394
- فروردين 1394
- اسفند 1393
- بهمن 1393
- دی 1393
- آذر 1393
- آبان 1393
- مهر 1393
- شهريور 1393
- مرداد 1393
- تير 1393
- خرداد 1393
- ارديبهشت 1393
- فروردين 1393
- اسفند 1392
- بهمن 1392
- دی 1392
- آذر 1392